Ötzi the Iceman’s Y-haplogroup update

reconstruction Ötzi mummy Prehistory Museum Quinson, CC-BY-SA 120

reconstruction Ötzi mummy Prehistory Museum Quinson, CC-BY-SA 120

The power of citizen science unfolds by the comparison of public research data with thousends of DTC-test-results. In the case of Ötzi the Iceman the Y-haplogroup found in research papers as terminal is so far G2a2a1a2-L91/PF3246/S285 (b37 position 21645555 G->C).

Update August 2020: Ötzi has no known paternal line descendants (more Alpine men Y-DNA would be needed to find if any share all his so far private Y-SNP mutations). The nearest Haplogroup to Ötzi is G-Z6494 which is so far present in Pakistan, Arabia, Marocco, Germany and Italy. https://www.yfull.com/tree/G-FGC5672/ In 2014 only the South German men results where known so it was assumed Ötzi’s Y-Haplogroup might have expanded from the Central Alps. But now we know all his modern nearest known Y-Cousins are much more widespread and it is a old Western Eurasia haplogroup.

2014 Text: Ray Banks, the very active and skilled citizen scientist for Y-Haplogroup G has unveiled the L91 substructure, finding also the position of Ötzi as G2a2a1a2a1a-FGC5672 (b37 position 8524959 C->T) so far shared only with a German DTC-sample (FGC result of Kraus family in Thüngen, Unterfranken, Bavaria, haplotypes in G-PF3146 project). Previously Ray also found Ötzi was positive for the upstream L166 SNP. It would be very interesting to get the sampled L91+ Tyrolean and additional Y-sequences from the Central Alpine and European area for comparison to the new L91 structure (tentative tree positions in Blue):

• • • •  • •G2a2a1a2 L91/PF3246/S285 (21645555 G->C)       
• • • •  • • •[G2a2a1a2a.. PF3245 (21620547 C->T) FTDNA subgroup]                      
• • • •  • • •G2a2a1a2a PF3239 (17317628 C->T)   
• • • •  • • • G2a2a1a2a1 L166 (23989884 C->A)   
• • • •  • • •  G2a2a1a2a1a FGC5672 (8524959 C->T)                                           Germans, Oetzi the Iceman 
• • • •  • • •  G2a2a1a2a1b Z6495 (18951899 A->G) [re-evaluate!]
• • • •  • • •  G2a2a1a2a1c F3547 (23798772 C->T)  FTDNA subgroup 
• • • •  • • •G2a2a1a2b PF3236 (15783820 G->C)                                                        Sardinians
                                    or PF3230 (2845552 C->T)
                           [Sample HG01311’s PF3239+, PF3236+ outlier results complicate finalizing position of PF3236]
• • • •  • • • •G2a2a1a2b1 PF3143 (2717867 A->T) FTDNA subgroup  
• • • •  • • •G2a2a1a2c Z12218 (2844687 A->T)        
• • • •  • • • •G2a2a1a2c1 Z6228 (14393476 G->A) 
• • • •  • • • • G2a2a1a2c1a CTS5128/M1619 (16028396 T->C)                       Sardinians, Hispanics
• • • •  • • • •G2a2a1a2c2 PF3243 (18999582 T->A) 
• • • •  • • • • G2a2a1a2c2a Z6038  (21885631 G->A)                                              Sardinians
• • • •  • • • • G2a2a1a2c2b PF6836  (14013226 G->T)                                           Sardinians      
• • • •  • • •G2a2a1a2d.. CTS2080 (14173814 G->T) FTDNA subgroup     
• • • •  • • •G2a2a1a2e FGC2315 (7547161 T->C)

About Chris Rоttensteiner

Chris Rоttensteiner. Population Genetics: Phylo-Genetics & Haplogroups, Population Admixture & History, Family and Genetic Genealogy, South Tyrol, Alps, Central Europe.