Monthly Archives: September 2014

Citizen science analysis of Ashkenazi Y-chromosome haplogroups 4

Recently Wim Penninx posted in the ISOGG Facebook group about his analysis of the known Y-DNA ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews (from where did they arrive in the area of the kingdom of Poland and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). The first quick look revealed a pearl of citizen science using a large collection of Direct to Consumer […]

Ötzi the Iceman’s Y-haplogroup update

The power of citizen science unfolds by the comparison of public research data with thousends of DTC-test-results. In the case of Ötzi the Iceman the Y-haplogroup found in research papers as terminal is so far G2a2a1a2-L91/PF3246/S285 (b37 position 21645555 G->C). Update August 2020: Ötzi has no known paternal line descendants (more Alpine men Y-DNA would be […]