PopGenComp: Population Genetic Comparison (Citizen Science Projects) 2013-2019

PopGenComp (Population Genetic Comparison) is an initiative to allow  Citizen Science research with genetic data from private persons (testing done by DTC-providers).

Donate your data for citizen science research in the field of Population Genetics. Allow new discoveries that will give you further insights on your genetic history. Please fill out “PopGenComp: Citizen Science DNA Release Survey” and send it to us now.

This initiative is in the building phase and was started by Chris Rottensteiner in Dec. 2013 and collected data until Summer 2019 (see new Y-DNA submission on the updated page). All persons doing research or handling data as  collaborators/researchers are called PopGenComp team.

Main goal: Consent for working with SAMPLE DATA and publication of the research preferably under open access licenses like CC-BY.
Donor credit: Depends on donor; either anonymous, trough DTC kit ID/s and if allowed also with surname or full name.
Honor code: Each PopGenComp collaborator/researcher is wanted to respect the privacy and interests of donors.
Privacy: The data of the DNA Release Survey (consent for SAMPLE DATA) is collected trough Google Form and stored in an online-Google-spreadsheet which is password protected. This is the main data available to the PopGenComp team. Additional information how kit ID/s and other personal data are published as allowed individually are available in the Google Form. Any further data (DNA DATA, etc.) is stored, computed and published also mainly trough free services to allow research without funding. Team leaders for certain research goals are responsible for secure and responsible collection, storage, computing and publication of the SAMPLE DATA.

PopGenComp main team leaders 2013:

Link to Survey (please do not submit anymore): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1d4MCC9bVbiNLyzHZr-vJDdVS-iFVDBBJRNA-iXspm3E/viewform